Will be archived HERE
First hour: Journalist-entrepreneur and sometimes political candidate Sander Hicks of the New York Megaphone joins us live from New York City to discuss Khashoggi’s Deep State connections; how one can be a socialist and an entrepreneur; the plusses and minuses of feminism and identity politics (Sander sees more plusses, Kevin more minuses); and more.
Second hour: Former six-term Congressional Representative and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney , editor of the brand new How the US Creates Sh*thole Countries, wonders whether Soros and associates are working on an anti-Trump “American color revolution.” We also discuss the role of big money in politics, the difficulty of publishing frank and truthful work in the academic world, the perils of victimization-based identity politics, and whether the American empire will collapse any time soon…possibly with a little help, whether intentional or not, from Donald J. Trump.

Isn’t your guest Hick this same guy who
bankrupted an established coffee shop in brooklyn? He forgot to pay the fines
issued by the NYC health department- then lied to everyone about it.
plays piano for his church? (when asked on ABC News what he did for a living)
is a self-described communist (from his documentary ‘Horns and Halos’)?
botched the 9/11 ballot initiative (twice), and his own recent run for office
by failing to collect enough signatures? Tell him to cut down on the pot smoking.
I hear it broke up his first marriage.
Someday y’all will realize that Dr. William Luther Pierce has ALL the answers
that solve everything today. We don’t need no obscure poets, space aliens
and cover-ups of the Beetles. We don’t need impossible 2 understand
Austrian economics libertarians. And No, socialism and the bloated Jim Fetzer dont have the right answers.